Monday, August 01, 2005

Blowing a gasket over an elective course...

Here is another lame "[myth of] separation of church and state"* case where an Odessa, TX school board has added an elective Bible study course to its 2006 curriculum and some people are already up in arms about it "as an effort to instill religious training in the public schools." What these people apparently don't get is that it is an elective; hence, a non-required course. No one is being force-taught anything, as they attempt to portray; it is merely available for those who wish to partake by their own choice. There is a simple solution to the whole matter: if you don't like it, don't take it!

Major side rant:
*"Separation of church and state" is found nowhere in the Constitution and has been a myth perpetrated by the media and various groups across the nation to further their own agenda. In reality, the First Amendment gives religious freedom and only states that Congress shall not make a state religion, like the Church of England was in Great Britain, but did not imply that religion and government could not comingle [Congress can't prohibit the free exercise of religion, either]. The "separation of church and state" phrase came from a letter that Jefferson wrote to a church organization, after they had expressed fear over the rumor that another denomination was going to become the national religion, to assure them there would be no state church--writing in very similar language that was used in the First Amendment.

Interestingly, Jefferson also alludes in this letter that the government should only interfere when there is an illegal action taken in the name of religion, not just having a differing opinion (i.e., destroying one's home because of their religous beliefs (a crime) vs. expressing disagreement with them (an opinion)--which opens another can of worms with the "hate crimes" proposed legislation [including verbalizations/ opinions/ thoughts] where you start getting into the thought police): "...the legitimate powers of government reach actions only, and not opinions..."

Here is an essay that goes into further detail about this exchange. You can find the text of the Jefferson and the Danbury Baptist Association's letters here.


Blogger Spoomonger said...

To say that Congress shall make no law regarding religion is:
1: A law governing the behavior of Congress, not all things governmentent related. and
2: means the they cannot establish nor prohibit religion.
Therefore, what is 'unconstitutional' is to essentially discriminate against groups on the basis of religion; e.g. saying Boy Scouts can no longer meet in public schools while other groups can because the 'Scout Law' says Scouts should be 'reverent' etc.

7:49 AM  
Blogger queen_spoo said...

Good point. That unconstitutional phrase has turned the whole First Amendment on its head and taken it places it was never intended to go in the first place...

11:21 AM  

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