Friday, October 14, 2005

An interesting gift from Salvador Dali

Here is an interesting gift that this article reports Salvador Dali gave to a friar who supposedly performed an exorcism on him.

Armando Ginesi found the piece, measuring 60cm by 30cm, among the personal belongings of Gabriele Maria Berardi, a friar who died in 1984, in a storeroom in Rome....According to Ginesi, Berardi told friends and relatives he exorcised Dali of a demon in 1947 during a spell in France. ...The reported exorcism took place during a period in which Dali had broken away from surrealism and started producing more realistic works, often with religious imagery. Dali's sculpture of Christ on the Cross is a symbol of "piety filtered by a sense of the paradoxical," Ginesi explained.


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