Anne Rice's next movie

LOS ANGELES, June 29 (UPI) -- Good News Holdings, a Los Angeles agency producing faith-based multimedia content, acquired film rights to Anne Rice's novel "Christ the Lord: Out of Egypt."
After Rice returned to the Christian faith following a 38-year lapse, she traded writing stories about vampires for stories about Jesus. Her first effort, "Christ the Lord: Out of Egypt" chronicles Jesus' early life, after he began to understand his destiny at age 7.
The film is being produced by Good News Holdings, a company founded in 2005 to produce faith-based content in multimedia formats. Good News is owned by George Barna, author and researcher of Christian trends; former Paramount President David Kirkpatrick; former Microsoft branding consultant Christopher Chisholm; former "Today" show producer Martha Cotton; former Barna Group partner Thom Black and former Silicon Valley chipmaker Rich Christopher, Daily Variety reported.
Rice had been very disappointed when Tom Cruise was cast for "Interview With the Vampire," but she is even more concerned about the production of this film. "Any agony or joy I suffered on 'Interview,' multiply it by 100 because it is just so crucial to me that this story get done right," Rice said.